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Finalize the setup

Last steps to make Userli work properly.

Create database scheme

# Create default database schema
bin/console doctrine:schema:create

# Load default reserved names into database
bin/console app:reservednames:import

# Warm up cache
bin/console cache:warmup

Configure Dovecot

Configure Dovecot to use separate directories per domain and user. Change the mail_location in 10-mail.conf to something like this:

mail_location = maildir:~/%d/%n


Some cronjobs are needed in order to run regular tasks. As Userli does not have write permissions at Dovecot's maildir (usually this directory belongs to the system user vmail) you have to use a script to delete a maildir from a removed Userli account:

# Daily create lists of removed mail accounts
@daily userli cd /path/to/userli && bin/console app:users:remove --list --env=prod >/usr/local/share/userli/maildirs-remove.txt

# Daily delete maildirs of removed accounts
@daily /usr/local/bin/

# Daily unlink old redeemed vouchers
@daily userli cd /path/to/userli && bin/console app:voucher:unlink

# Send weekly report to admins
12 13 * * 1 userli cd /path/to/userli && bin/console app:report:weekly