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Set up Dovecot authentication

Userli provides an API for userdb and passdb lookups.

An adapter script written in Lua is provided to use for Lua based authentication in Dovecot. The script is released as a separate tarball with each release and is only guaranteed to be compatible with the same version of Userli.

If the mailcrypt is enabled in Userli, the adapter script will also forward the required key material with each lookup.

On the Userli Host

Following environment variables needs to be configured, for example via .env.local:


On the Dovecot host

Install Lua dependencies

On Debian based systems, run

sudo apt update
sudo apt install lua5.3 lua-json dovecot-auth-lua


Debian 12 ships version 1.3.4-2 of json-lua, which does not include the library for the lua5.4 runtime. This can be solved with symlinks:

sudo ln -s  /usr/share/lua/5.3/json.lua  /usr/share/lua/5.4/
sudo ln -s  /usr/share/lua/5.3/json  /usr/share/lua/5.4/

Install Userli-Dovecot-Adapter

Install the adapter script to a suitable location, like /usr/local/bin/

cd /usr/local/bin/
# Check signature and hash sum, if you know how to
tar -xvzf userli-dovecot-adapter-x.x.x.tar.gz

Export environment variables

  • USERLI_HOST (mandatory)
  • DOVECOT_LUA_AGENT, defaults to "Userli-Dovecot-Adapter".
  • DOVECOT_LUA_INSECURE, defaults to false. Connect to the Userli host via unencrypted HTTP.
  • DOVECOT_LUA_DEBUG, defaults to false.
  • DOVECOT_LUA_MAX_ATTEMPTS, defaults to 3.
  • DOVECOT_LUA_TIMEOUT, defaults to 10000.

Example configuration


# Any of the above env vars needs to be explicitly imported here,
# in order to be available to the adapter script:

passdb {
  driver = lua
  args = file=/usr/local/bin/userli-dovecot-adapter.lua blocking=yes

userdb {
  driver = lua
  args = file=/usr/local/bin/userli-dovecot-adapter.lua blocking=yes


In order to enable MailCrypt in Dovecot, the following is required:

  • Add mail_crypt to the mail_plugins list in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf
  • Set mail_crypt_save_version = 0 in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-mail-crypt.conf

The latter disables MailCrypt per default and is necessary to not break incoming mail for legacy users without MailCrypt keys. The adapter script automatically sets mail_crypt_save_version = 2 for all users with MailCrypt keys.