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The PHP console command bin/console app:users:checkpassword provides a checkpassword command to be used for authentication (userdb and passdb lookup) by external services. So far, it's only tested with Dovecot.

In order to use the userli checkpassword command with Dovecot (< 2.3), the default_vsz_limit (defaults to 256MB) needs to be raised in the Dovecot configuration. Starting with Dovecot 2.3, the default is 1G.

Example configuration for using checkpassword in Dovecot:


passdb {
  driver = checkpassword
  args = /path/to/userli/bin/console app:users:checkpassword

userdb {
  driver = prefetch

userdb {
  driver = checkpassword
  args = /path/to/userli/bin/console app:users:checkpassword

Required permissions and sudo

In order for checkpassword to work as expected, your Dovecot system user needs read access to the userli application.

In order to grant the required permissions, add the Dovecot system user to the userli system group:

adduser dovecot userli